Monday 2 May 2016

Final Project Title

I have decided to name my final project "Fabricated Reality". The juxtaposition between the two terms compliments each other. I wanted to create a scenario where the skit's are based on true events but in fact, the objects in the photographs are fake. The diorama effect would create a illusion where the events look as real as possible. Furthermore, it is also discussed that our reality is considered to be fabricated. Social media is a form of fabricated that people consider their reality, when in fact it is really a fake realm filled with self-constructed identities which don't exist. This relates to war photography as no one actually cares about the events that happened in the past. People are so consumed by the digital age that they believe everything is acceptable, however conflict is rising and increasing dramatically that violence will become a neutral aspect in life. War is not a common attitude in life. If anything, I decided to name my project "Fabricated Reality" to persuade people to gain realism and come into the real world where violence and conflict is prevailing. 

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